Monday, September 27, 2010

Utility Box Art project in San Luis Obispo

I was honored to have been chosen to paint a large utility box in downtown San Luis Obispo along with 12 other artists. My rendering is of a 15 foot Pacific Octopus crawling out of a treaure chest, reaching for a deep sea diver helmet, in honor of hte 15 foot Octopus that my grandpa killed in 1946 after it terrorized all the divers out at Port San Luis.
The festival commenced on saturday, when the temperatures hit 104 degrees. Needless to say, the paint stopped blending, my brushes dried up pretty bad, so things are going a bit slower than planned. Here are some photos to see the progress:

It's supposed to be 106 today and 102 tomorrow. Needless to say, I will be working on an oil painting in my studio these days. The box must be completed by Oct. 9, when it will be sealed with Frog Juice sealer, so I have a little bit of time to wait for the marine layer to return so I can blend my paint!

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