Sunday, October 3, 2010

6 hot days in the making.....

The Utility box is finally finished....
it was tough to paint in the 114 degree weather. On tuesday it was 104 degrees, but at 3:30 in the afternoon, I brushed some glazes on my treasure chest and the paint was still wet 10 seconds later! I looked up and saw that a bank of clouds had moved in and the temperature dropped 20 degrees in 20 minutes. At that point the paint could be blended, mixed and glazed. I could finally make some progress. I spent a total of 6 days on this project, feeling almost like a celebrity. I was painting on the busiest street in San Luis, and everybody saw me working. I was honked at, yelled at (all positive statements), people gave shakas, thumbs up, and thanked me profusely. It was very satisfying to see people grateful for the art the utility box artists were providing for the public. It didn't even bother me when an old lady came up and started shaking her cane at me when she found out that the paint was not going to wash off.

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